Melissa: The Oil of Light

Melissa: The Oil of Light

Melissa oil awakens the soul to truth and light. It reminds us of who we really are, and why we came to this earth. Melissa invites us to release everything and anything that holds us back from reaching our fullest potential.

Melissa assets us in receiving spiritual guidance by reconnecting us with our inner voice. It uplifts the soul by literally preparing us to “up level”. When we feel too weighed down by the burdens of life, Melissa encourages us to keep going. It gives strength and vitality to the innermost recesses of the heart and soul. This oil invites us to participate in higher realms of living and dreaming. As we stay connected to spiritual sources we feel a lightness in our being and a brightness in our core. Melissa reminds us that every person has a spark of divinity within them, and that with love and attention, that spark will grow. This oil fuels that spark of energy, igniting our True Self. Melissa assists in shedding everything that is not in harmony with our inner light.

Melissa’s enthusiasm is contagious. Through the intense inner light and vibration Melissa has to offer, we may feel like we cannot hlep but let go of depression and other low vibrations that are holding us down. It teaches us the joy of living.

Negative Emotions: Depression, darkened, dreary, suicidal, overwhelmed.

Positive Properties: Enlightened, joy of living, integrity, spiritual connection, contagious enthusiasm, liberated, optimistic.

The Feeling Wheel

The Feeling Wheel

Juniper Berry: The Oil of Night

Juniper Berry: The Oil of Night