Quick Click #93: The Acceptance Cup

Last week we asked you to look at what you would do for your own BFF…and then do it for yourself. We hope you are taking our (stellar) advice and doing this. If you are like Sam and found some of it uncomfortable, know that you have a team of chicks right behind you, cheering you on. We want you to succeed at this seemingly simple task of being your own BFF (in fact your ONLY best friend FOREVER-now that’s a sobering thought.) 

This week we want to take things up a notch and have a good look at acceptance. Very often women don’t like to accept things as they are- let’s face it, many of us love a good before and after transformation- and we often try to perfect things. The thing is (and this might be a bitter pill to swallow) nothing is ever perfect, at least not for very long. A perfectly made bed gets messed up, and a perfect relationship will have a few cracks. Perfection exists in the moment, but only if we allow it. Then very soon it changes and becomes some other thing. Which is why we would always prefer you to do something, anything to get some runs on the board and have a go, and then bask in the “perfection” of what you did manage to do/create/be.

Let’s delve a little deeper into this whole acceptance idea. There is a Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr that says, “Grant me the serenity to accident the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” It is the difference that is the kicker. 

How many times have you spent hours days months lifetimes trying to change someone or something that just won’t be changed? A little bit of that ol’ serenity probably never goes astray. (This makes me think of George Costanza screaming, “Serenity Now!” -Al) 

In the podcast this week we will outline a fab exercise called The Acceptance Cup, but for the moment we want you to start thinking about what ticks you off in your life right now (corona, your kids whining, your overflowing inbox) and what is in your power to change. BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER this might challenge some of you. Perhaps you think you can change everything. Or that this is a negative way of looking at the world, and that by accepting we are agreeing. Maybe, maybe not: that will be for YOU to decide. One thing we know for sure, is that wasting your life-force trying to change things that cannot be altered is exhausting and possibly even a little bit cray-cray. 

Take some time now to think about all of the annoying things in your life, big and small, and think about what you can do to change them. You might even want to choose one that you can change right now and make the call/ take the step/ book the appointment to create a shift. That would lighten the load. 

Then, pop over to the podcast tomorrow and learn what to do next. 

Serenity Now!

Quick Click #94: The Real Slim Shady

Quick Click #92: BFF