Chicks Who Click

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Quick Click #86: What I Really Really Want

There are only four sleeps to go, so if you celebrate Christmas at all, then you’ve probably got at least a couple of things sorted ready for the big day. (Or you might do it like I used to and leave it all for the last night- oh what a rush all-night shopping and doing the.whole.lot on Christmas Eve used to be. -Al)

Most likely, you’ve been thinking of what the people around you want for Christmas, whether it be what’s under the tree, or what you put on the table. Commonly, the majority of Christmas planning will fall to one person in a family, and if you’re a chick, there’s a fair chance that will be you. You might relish this, and so the giving feels like it IS the receiving, or it could be that you do it because no one else seems up for the task. Perhaps you even think that if you don’t do it, then there will be no Christmas cheer at all. 

We’d like to go out on a limb today and call bullshit on all of those stories. 

1. Giving ISN’T receiving. Gifting or Acts of Service may be your love lingo, and you might get lots of pleasure from seeing the people you love light up from your efforts, but don’t confuse the two. Getting an endorphin hit doesn’t mean it is the same thing. In fact, if you don’t train yourself how to know what you want, make it clear to those who love you, and allow them to give to you, you are in fact blocking HALF OF THE CYCLE. We promise you, this will be showing up in other areas of your life. (This topic probably deserves a whole whole month just on its own). 

2. No one can do it like me. Now this is true. Of course no one other human can do it precisely like another, even with a procedures manual as watertight as Maccas (have you ever got a Cheeseburger with the pickle missing, or the mustard all over the wrapper?). This doesn’t mean that a different way can’t be just as magical (yay, no pickle), or just different (yay, my brain gets to figure out how to not get mustard all over my white top). In fact if you flip your ideas of what perfection actually means, who knows what amazingness could unfold.

3. It won’t get done unless I do it. Maybe. Or maybe if you left some time and space for others to step up, they would. Or at least they could. There would be room for choice. Imagine a Christmas where you didn’t feel like a workhorse or a dictator barking orders to everyone, but instead released it all, and allowed for each person to do whatever they feel they can best contribute. You might find one of your kids is a master present wrapper, or your partner is cool at getting the table set in a new and gorgeous way. 

We will debrief all of this on the podcast this week, and we’d like you to start right now. 

Spend a few moments today thinking about what you would really like this Christmas. Not what you think you can have (which will most likely be what you think you deserve) but what you secretly really really want. HINT: It might not be a material gift. 

Then spend some time thinking about that thing- why do you want it, what will it bring to you, and how will it enhance your life? 

Mindful desires with lots of energy cause heartFULL new things, people and experiences to pop into our lives.

So let’s fill our minds as much as we fill our bellies and the Christmas stockings.