Quick Click 82: First Aid, First You
We’ve all heard about being “good Samaritans” helping others whenever we can, and maybe sometimes when we aren’t sure if we can. There’s even a law in Australia called The Good Samaritan Law that legally protects first responders if they try to help someone who is injured and inadvertently do the wrong thing. The idea of helping others is so highly valued in our society that it supersedes personal injury claims. We think it’s worth thinking about that.
Us chicks are naturals at nurturing and caring for others, so it makes sense that we want to do it wherever possible, and this is supported by cultural norms and even the law. We do think it’s worth noticing however, that the very first part of the First Aid mantra (DRSABCD) is the D: look for danger. Danger to YOU. You are very clearly instructed not to render assistance if doing so would put you in harms way. (Can you tell we have been doing First Aid courses recently? -Al)
We shared something on the page this week from Brandi MacDonald (Al’s seminar girl-crush) where she spoke about a thing called Vicarious Trauma, which is when we absorb some of the effects of the trauma of others when we are trying to help them. She was talking about chiros in her example, but of course it applies to us all. Especially in these times, where many people are uncertain, frightened or running on high alert. When we are around others, chatting, lending an ear, connecting and nurturing we are sharing the burden of their trauma.
We owe it to ourselves, and to the entire population to be good Samaritans to ourselves first and foremost. As first responders we must respond to our own internal signs. We think part of the morning ritual includes checking in with yourself: when you are saying your affirmations and doing your gratitude journal it’s not about just “phoning it in”- it’s a time to really connect in and see what you notice, in your body and your mind. To feel where you require the good Samaritan that is you to help out. It’s time to listen.
We mentioned ‘these times’ and of course we are referring to the current corona situation, and yet, to be completely honest, it’s always these times isn’t it? If it’s not corona, it’s a GFC, or financial stress, a relationship in disrepair, a death in the family or a kid who is sick. These challenges are the juice and the junk of life, so we want to be vigilant good Samaritans, always checking in with ourselves and following the next step in our first aid: Response. “Hello, can you hear me, what’s your name, who are you, why are you here, what’s your purpose?” (Okay, some of those might not be in the manual). Always finished with a squeeze of the shoulders.
So this week in the podcast we will talk a little more about this, as well as some of the other implications of the story of The Good Samaritan, but for now, we would love you to check in with you: is it time to check your D and your R including a nice big cuddle and a squeeze of the shoulders? Remember, the next step is S: send for help.
None of us are doing this alone, chicks. Always remember the S.
This is not the time to go solo and do hours of CPR on yourself, by yourself. You have a tribe. Call them.