Quick Click #120: Mind Movies and Magnetism

Some people just naturally bring light to the world don’t they? No matter where they are, they seem to bring joy to the the room, and bring those around them along for the ride. If you cast your mind to someone you know who is like that, you will probably find that they seem to have some kind of inner light or lightness. Perhaps they laugh easily and speak in an animated way, and most likely they will be the ones who get into rapport with ease, allowing and even encouraging you to elevate your mood as well. They light other people’s candles.

So what is the source of this light, that attracts us so much? We actually think it’s their inner light. An inner knowing and sense of alignment that means that they are free to shine, because they know who they are, what they stand for, and where their happiness comes from. They have passion or excitement about the things they are doing, and they have purpose, in that they know what they are doing is important or meaningful. 

These two things: passion(s) and purpose(s), allow for a certain clarity and focus that brings light and delight. It turns out, that this isn’t necessarily innate. It is something that you can do yourself, by incorporating two of the things that Angela Duckworth told us about in Grit last month: practice and having support. 

Let’s break it down: it can be a bit tricky for the magic to unfold in the way we want it to if we haven’t defined what that is. So we really do need to get that sorted. As this is our month of reading Joe Dispenza, we thought we would share his idea of Mind Movies (creating a memory of the future) in the podcast: it is an excellent way of focussing your light of attraction. Once you have your mind movie (and remember, it must be exciting to you), you really do have to practice it. To watch it regularly and to do it with effort. The more effort, enthusiasm and intensity you bring to the practice, the faster your results will be. Another added bonus that we have noticed is that having something that is so clear and so interesting, is fun in itself. You can’t help but lighten up just watching it. Which of course will help you to bring hope to the party, and you will feel much more optimistic about what will unfold for you next.

The simple process of knowing yourself, knowing what lights you up, and knowing that it is within your grasp with make you magically magnetic. There’s an old saying, that we all need, “Something to love, something to do and something to look forward to” and creating a “memory of your future” will do just this. (Yes, we know a memory of the future sounds a little weird, but what is a memory of the past- you can’t actually go and grab it, and yet many of us seem kind of addicted to those old stories.. what if we got excited about memories that are about to happen? We think it’s possible. And there’s a bonus, in that you get a double whammy: you can be exited now AND when it happens.)

If you don’t want to follow our Mind Movie suggestion from the podcast (and we don’t know why you wouldn’t) we would love you to do something. 

Perhaps you might prefer to do a vision board, or create a little file on your phone of affirmations and pictures of how you want to show up in the world, or maybe you’d like to spend some time writing a script of your memory of the future. Whatever works best for you will increase the energy in which you go through your days, and bring lightness to you. 

You will shine from within. 

So that’s your job this week: create a fabulous, interesting and inspiring memory of what your life will look like, and then to step into it’s lovely warm glow. 

Quick Click #121: Living Hope

Quick Click #119: Make a Ripple