Chicks Who Click

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Quick Click #55: Simply The Best

So far this month we have been asking you to notice what brings you joy and makes you laugh, and perhaps even opens up your heart a little. And as always, there’s a reason. 

Deep down we all know that life is better when we can lighten up, even when situations are challenging, and we want you to become a master at being able to allow fun into your life any time you choose. We hope you noticed that whilst you were thinking about what makes you smile, or where you find fun, you saw the flip side: the things that aren’t fun. You’ve been making distinctions. 

The research tells us that making distinctions develops that part of our brain that contains our “meaning making” apparatus, and increases our competence, especially when we are learning from new experiences. In fact, experts not only make more distinctions, their distinctions are more layered, or nuanced. Which means there is a richness to their experience.

Remember our oil this month is Tangerine (which is for cheer and creativity). Tangerine is also said to help us to reinsert fun, joy and spontaneity into our lives, especially when we have created rigid standards four ourselves. That rigidity is one of the drawbacks of making distinctions: we can take everything too seriously, so for us as true fun experts, we want to master our ability to be discerning without getting bogged down. To be intelligently playful.

This week we want you to exercise that distinction making muscle a little more, by thinking about what it means for something to be the best. (The dictionary says: to have the most excellent or desirable quality). We want you to spend this week thinking about the best things in your life. What things are simply the best?

Your challenge for this is simple: tell us what are your bests. We don’t mind what you share, it could be anything from a picture of your best coffee mug, through to a list of the best things that have happened so far in 2020. You can share with us your best outfit, or tell us the best thing you have ever done. Your reward is 5 points for every thing you share, with the title “BEST”. You can enter as many times as you like, and there’s  5 bonus points if you post a video telling us about your BEST.

So come on: show us your best.