Last week we asked you spend some time thinking on what things in your life you’d like to drop off like Autumn leaves. We hope you came up with something, however small. And all this March, we would love you to keep that in your mind. Perhaps you’ve even written it on an index card like Arnie.
You see, one thing we know about humans is that we are usually propelled forward to make change when the level of frustration of the current state becomes so big that we simply MUST. There’s no more “maybe” or “I should” or “I guess I could”. We must.
The thing that moves us from dreamy contemplation, to action, is desire. Without that true, big want, we stay the same. This isn’t because we are lazy or mediocre or that we suck at setting goals for ourselves. It is because to make a shift and a shed, we have to change how we see ourselves- it’s a change to our very identity (you might remember in podcast #44 we spoke about Manson’s Law of Avoidance- it’s this).
Deep down, we know once we let go of a habit that no longer serves us we will never be quite the same. And that can be scary. Our old patterns are strong and soothing, and being different is shiny and new and possibly confronting.
Before we go any further into letting the layers fall away, we want you to spend some time looking at that “shedding idea” from last week, and imagine what your life will be life when you leave it all behind. Think (or if you’re really keen, write down) all the positives of the new you AND all the negatives. There are both, and they are equal and opposite, and the earlier we acknowledge them all, the more desire and excitement we can build.
Grab a moment now and get listing (and it’s okay if you are resisting- just keep persisting). We know you’ve got this.