Quick Click #3: Dreams and Doings
Sometimes within what I like to call the “hustle” crowd, you hear the statement, “We all have the same 24 hours,” and it can feel like a judgment, where we look at what others seem to achieve in their day, and wonder why we aren’t as productive. So whilst this is true, it can be interesting to look at how we are managing our time.
In the podcast this week we will be talking about the Default Diary, and we will give you some tips and tricks on how to feel happier with how you structure our days. You see, structure will determine function, and so it’s important to have some sort of framework for the life we want to live.
For this week, we would love you to do a couple of things: something a bit practical, as well as something more dreamy.
Shall we begin with the dreamy? Get yourself a notebook you like, and that is easy to carry around. Now write: DREAMS on it somewhere. This is to be the place where you give yourself permission to write down ANYthing that delights you, that you might like to do “one day”. It’s not for goal setting, and it’s not about “How will I do that?” it’s just for pure play. Sniff your lemon oil, and focus in on what that fun thing would look, sound, smell, feel and even taste like. This little book is your private permission to indulge.
And now onto the practical: get yourself some kind of diary with half-hour increments. It can be a physical calendar/diary, a sheet of paper or something like Google Cal. The only rule is that it has a week at a glance, and half hour increments.
Your job is to fill in all of the things you love to do first, and then all of your commitments. (We will talk more about this in the podcast.) Just make sure you create some time in there for your dream book and some self-care.
These two things are the framework (structure) that will allow you to live the life you really want to be in (function).
Go and have a play, and let us know on the secret page how you go.
Have fun!
-Alison and Sam