Quick Click #27: Love Your Body (?)
Wow! It’s November already, and as we all know, time is about to speed up as we head into Christmas. So this month is the perfect time slow down a little, and consider what you might want to clear out and be mindful of, lest you get to December 31st and wonder where the year went, asking, “How did I drag all this stuff with me for yet another year?”
You have an opportunity right now, to choose differently.
And it begins with your body. This gorgeous creation of blood and bones and bits and bobs, that propels you through the days with grace and ease. The body that you love and revere and thank every day for being beautiful and useful and perfect in every way.
Or do you?
We have a suspicion that most of us have at least one part of our physical being that we either don’t love, or are neglecting in some way.
This week we would love you to do a little ‘body audit’. Now, you might already know the area you have been neglecting; perhaps you aren’t getting enough good-quality sleep, or you aren’t eating the foods you know support you. Maybe you haven’t been moving your body enough lately, or you have been neglecting your spinal care. If you already know where you would love to clean up your act, take a moment RIGHT NOW to either make that appointment, or schedule in fifteen minutes to attend to it… Need to move more? Fifteen minutes of burpees ougta do it (NOOOOO, burpees are the WORST! -Alison)…you get the idea. Go on. Do it now. We’ll wait here for you.
For those of you who don’t know, and you’re drawing a blank on what cleaning up you’d like to do, then listen in to tomorrow’s podcast, where we will run through an easy peasy way to have a look at what lies beneath.
And if you think you are all fit, fine and fab on this one, we want to remind you that there’s always tweaking that can be done. Just like we don’t recommend that you stop exercising once you get fit, (and you already know health is an inside job), we want you to keep working on yourself. So have a think about what fine-tuning you could do in order to cleanse and clear out, ready for a fantastic finish to 2019.
Have a fun week, and let’s get rid of the rubbish.