August 2019: The In8 Model, by Dr. Mark Postles D.C.

August 2019: The In8 Model, by Dr. Mark Postles D.C.

The following are point-form notes from the book. Obviously they are concise and really intended as an appendix to the book itself. If you’d like some further discussion please have a listen to our August FB Live, or spark up a discussion in The Clique. And remember Mark has generously offered to send you FREE copy of the book if you sign up to his podcast: In8 Secrets (you just cover the postage).

  • You have all parts and all four quadrants, and move between them.

  • The model is contextual, so your scores may change in different situations or at different stages of your life.

  • Quadrant 1: The home of the dreamer and the entrepreneur, the optimist.

    It’s question is “Why?” and the theme is “Trust me, it’ll all work out.”

    Drawback: out of touch with reality.

    Under stress: dictatorial and controlling.

    Communication: via branstorming, personal meaning, metaphors, rapid, future- oriented.

    Learns best: with heart connection and staying big picture.

  • Quadrant 2: The home of order, structure and the learned brain.

    It’s question is “What?” and it’s theme is “Notice my efficiency.”

    Drawback: can’t make a decision with all that data.

    Under stress: generalisations, distortions and deletions .

    Communication: via stats and facts, slow, moves “away from” and sees the glass “half full”.

    Learns best: with lots of info and references.

  • Quadrant 3: The home of hardwork, and the technician.

    It’s question is '“How?” and it’s theme is “See how well I am liked.”

    Drawback: working IN instead of ON the business.

    Under stress: personal and pointed name calling.

    Communication: active experimentation, hands on, solution orientation, apprecation.

    Learns best: with facilitation and lots of examples

  • Quadrant 4: The home of now, seizing opportunity and making things happen.

    It’s question is “What next?’ and it’s theme is “Let’s change-now.”

    Drawback: workaholic and confuses activity with accomplishment.

    Under stress: curl up in a ball and hide.

    Communication: fast, “on the fly”, wants to know what works.

    Learns best: with summaries, tasks and action rather than theory.

  • Your values come from your early voids.

  • If values are supported: content and at peace.

  • If values are challenged: feel attacked and defensive.

  • For effective communication we must understand the other person’s model of the world.

  • Adaptability is required for systems to thrive.

  • Use the 30 day “not me” challenge to create more plasticity between the quadrants.

Have fun playing around with this one. Notice yourself and notice the people around you.

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