Lessons from a Teen Book
I’ve just finished reading a book that is a parallel book to go with “Wonder” by R.J.Palacio, and it has stayed with me. I guess because in our membership group The Clique we have been talking about the masks we wear, and show the world, and how they may contrast to what lies beneath. Often in this world of filters and make-overs we can look ah-maze-ing on the surface, whilst disguising our true selves. Now I’m not suggesting that we air all of our dirty laundry (I’m pretty sure none of you want to see my stretched-elastic-beige-no VPL-knickers) but I am wondering if perhaps we might want to pull back the curtain from time to time.
This of course requires us to be vulnerable and possibly open to judgement, as well as being okay with who we really are. And I know for me, I’m a work in progress. I’m far from perfect, and often do things on the fly, but I do try my best to be real. Which is not always lovely to look at.
Which brings me to Auggie & Me. This book is not much about Auggie at all, other than the fact that his arrival at the school is the lynchpin of the narrative. It is instead about what is going on alongside the main novel, from the perspective of three of the less featured characters. So we get to see the events of that year through their eyes, and we become privy to the motivations behind their actions, and gain insight as to what they were feeling as the plot moved along.
I think the reason why this struck me so much is that it aligns with a quote I’ve been affected by recently, “You may be the villain in someone else’s story.” This quote has made me stop and pause several times over the past month, as it invites us to put down the facade of righteousness, and be curious about the way another person may perceive the world, and us.
We live in a time where it seems like opinions are broadcast everywhere, loudly and often, so for me, taking a moment to try and envision the world through the eyes of someone else is both fabulous and revealing.
Perhaps you might want to play along with me on this one?
Have fun. Stay open. xx